$185 Current science shows that gut health is the capstone of disease prevention. This drip is intended for use with Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS (inflammatory bowel disease) , stress, inflammation, and malabsorption. Ingredients: Vitamin C, L-glutamine, L-Arginine, Zinc, Glutathione
$185 This signature powerhouse IV cocktail was created by Dr. John Myers. This drip is effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders. Ingredients: Vitamin C B-Complex Magnesium B12 Suggested add on: Glutathione antioxidant boost
250mg $250 Slows cognitive decline. Promotes healthy brain function. Increases energy. Fights chronic fatigue. Regenerates cells. Helps with addiction/recovery. 250mg $250 500mg $500
$185 Harness the power of high dose Vitamin C and Glutathione! Vitamin C and Glutathione are powerful natural antioxidants on their own, but their effectiveness increases when supplemented together. Vitamin C in high doses acts as a powerful antioxidant and has shown to help regenerate skin cells and tissue. Glutathione is a master antioxidant that helps reduce oxidation and repair skin cells, restoring natural pigmentation and complexion. Biotin is a B-vitamin vital to the healthy growth of hair, skin, and nails. A dose of B-Complex is added to help with cellular energy, and Trace Minerals are added to help hydrate your skin and nails. INGREDIENTS: 1L Normal Saline B-Complex Vitamin-C Glutathione Biotin Minerals Suggested Add-on: B-12 Book
$185 Future travel plans or recent illness? This custom drip is packed full of immune strengthening vitamins. INGREDIENTS: 1L Normal Saline B Complex Vitamin-C Zinc Glutathione Suggested add on: B-12, Additional Vitamin C
$165 Supports fat burning by boosting your metabolism, increase your energy levels, and enhance circulation. Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline B12 L-Taurine B-Complex B-Lean package* 1 B-Lean drip 4 Lipo injections Lipo Vitamin Spray $280 *Must be used within one month from purchase date.
$125 Just need a hydrate boost? 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers
$200 We've all been there and we'll help you get over it! This drip is suggested for people that have consumed a little too much alcohol but also great for digestion, mood, bone health, energy levels. This drip will provide rapid rehydration, liver detoxification, and will give the body anti-oxidants, and mineral replenishment to get you back on your feet. Also suggested for migraine headaches and menstrual cramping. INGREDIENTS: 1L Normal Saline B12 B complex Magnesium Trace Minerals Zofran (Anti-nausea), Toradol (Anti-inflammatory)